MathCS Seminar 2013

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Fall 2013

Thursday, Nov 21, 2013 from 2 pm to 4 pm in VN 116

Fifth Cal State University Fullerton and Chapman University Joint Mathematics Colloquium

Organizers: Bogdan Suceavă (CSUF) and Peter Jipsen (Chapman University)


2:00 - 2:20 Fernando Quintino (Cal State Fullerton)
Interpolating Legendre Multiplier Sequences

2:20 - 2:40 Allie Smith and Louis Ehwerhemuepha (Chapman University)
A Novel Exact Test for Association for Small Sample Case-Control Studies

2:40 - 3:00 Nathan Robertson, Susan Deeb, Soeun Park, and Reina Galvez (Cal State Fullerton)
A Comparative Analysis of Three Clustering Techniques with an Application to K6-11 Mathematics Achievement Data

3:00 - 3:20 Kevin Gomez (Cal State Fullerton)
A Ladder of Curvatures for Hypersurfaces in the Euclidean Ambient Space

3:20 - 3:40 Melissa Riddle (Cal State Fullerton)
A Pinching Theorem for Three-Dimensional Hypersurfaces in Euclidean Ambient Space

3:40 - 4:00 Kyle Lee (Chapman University)
Investigating Quantum Gravity through Causal Dynamical Triangulations

PDF file with abstracts

Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013 at 12 noon in VN 116

Speaker: Professor Daniele Struppa, Chapman University

Title: Propagation of superoscillations as solutions to the Cauchy problem for generalized Schrodinger equations

Abstract: Superoscillatory sequences have been introduced by Yakir Aharonov (and discussed in a series of seminars last year) as a byproduct of his theory of weak measurement. In this talk I will show that if we consider the Schrodinger equation (and some natural generalizations of it) , with superoscillatory initial conditions, the solution of the equation maintains superoscillatory behavior. The fundamental instruments necessary to prove such a result are the Fourier transform, and some results in the theory of convolution operators on spaces of rapidly growing entire functions (Berenstein and Struppa, Publ. RIMS Kyoto, 1988). The results that I will describe are the subject of three recent papers (coauthored with Aharonov, Colombo, Sabadini, and Tollaksen), the first of which has appeared in Journ. Math. Pures et Appliques, 2013.

Wednesday, Oct 23, 2013 at 12 noon in VN 116

Speaker: Professor Atanas Radenski, Chapman University

Title: MapReduce Streaming Algorithms for Laplace Relaxation on the Cloud

Abstract: I will begin this presentation with a gentle introduction to MapReduce parallelism. No preliminary knowledge of MapReduce is expected (but this presentation will be an opportunity to gain some MapReduce understanding). Technically, I will describe relaxation algorithms for the Laplace equation in MR streaming, and evaluate empirically their performance on Elastic MR, the Amazon MR cloud. These results can be beneficial to others who would like to develop and optimize MR streaming algorithms for grid-based models, such as PDE and cellular automata.

Wednesday, Sept 18, 2013 at 12 noon in VN 116

Speaker: Dr. Tadeusz Litak, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Title: Friends, Likes and Coalitions: Coalgebraic Predicate Logic in Action

Abstract: The talk is about a joint work with Dirk Pattinson, Katsuhiko Sano and Lutz Schröder. It is about a generalization of first-order logic: a natural and generic language for non-relational structures which can be recast as Set-coalgebras. However, I will assume no familiarity with coalgebras and coalgebraic logic. It is enough to know that the framework can cover such diverse structures as Kripke frames, neighbourhood frames, topological spaces, discrete Markov chains, conditional frames, multigraphs or game frames for coaliton logic/alternating time logics. As a taster, we will develop an apparatus to reason about activities and preferences in social networks. Then we will shortly discuss issues likes completeness, model theory and proof theory.

Spring 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013 at 2 pm - 5 pm Cal State Fullerton

Fourth Cal State University Fullerton and Chapman University Joint Mathematics Colloquium


Casey Coleman and Adrian Vajiac (Chapman University)

Title: A New Perspective on Geometry: Polynomials and Curved Spaces (Research Adviser: Dr. Adrian Vajiac)

Robert Giza (Cal Poly Pomona)

Title: Series associated with multifractal analysis (Research adviser: Dr. John Rock)

Duy D Ngo, Reina R Galvez, and Antouneo Kassab (Cal State Fullerton)

Title: A Multivariate Statistical Inference for the Analysis of Neuronal Spiking Rates (Research adviser: Dr. Sam Behseta)

Nathan Lawless (Chapman University)

Title: Generating all modular lattices of a given size (Research adviser: Dr. Peter Jipsen)

Yusuf Jabri (Cal Poly Pomona)

Title: Genesis of the ubiquitous Fibonacci Word

Jenny Chang (Cal State Fullerton)

Title: Robust Statistical Modeling of Neuronal Intensity Rates (Research adviser: Dr. Sam Behseta)

Cody Gruebele (Cal State Fullerton)

Title: Comparison of Two Models For Fat/Water Separation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (Research adviser: Dr. Angel Pineda)

PDF file with abstracts

Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at 2:30 pm in VN 116

Speaker: Cynthia Northrup, University of California, Irvine

Title: Using Forcing to Obtain a Model of the Continuum Hypothesis

Abstract: Forcing is a method used to extend a transitive model M by adjoining a new set G in order to obtain a larger transitive model M[G]. Our choice of partial order, or notion of forcing, determines what is true in M[G]. We will consider the forcing introduced by Paul Cohen in proving the independence of the Continuum Hypothesis. The Diamond Principle, introduced by Jensen in 1972, can be thought of as a strengthening of the Continuum Hypothesis. From a diamond sequence of length k we can read off all of the subsets of k. We are interested in using an iteration involving Radin forcing in order to obtain a model of the failure of Diamond.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at 1:15 pm in VN 116

Speaker: Dr. Papiya Bhattacharjee, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Title: Extensions in Algebraic Frames

Abstract: A frame L is algebraic if every element of L is expressed as a supremum of compact elements. In case of algebraic frames L that also satisfy the Finite Intersection Property, we investigate the spaces of minimal prime elements of L, called Min(L), with respect to the Zariski topology and the Inverse topology. The first part of the talk will describe these spaces. Finally, given two algebraic frames L and M (L is a subframe of M), the speaker will describe various extensions such as Rigid extension, r-extension, etc. and their relationship with the spaces of Min(L). In particular, it turns out that if M is a rigid frame extension of L, then Min(L) is homeomorphic to Min(M) with respect to both the Zariski topology and the inverse topology.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 2:30 pm in VN 116

Speaker: Andres Forero Cuervo, University of California, Irvine

Title: Sets With No Length, Alternative Axioms and Infinite Games

Abstract: The length of a subset of the real line can be defined in mathematical terms. A set of real numbers is called "measurable" if a precise, definite length can be assigned to it, following certain desired natural properties. Surprisingly, from the axioms of Set Theory we can show the existence of sets that are not measurable, somewhat violating our physical intuition of the notion of length in space. A natural logical question arises: can some axioms of Set Theory be replaced by different axioms that not only prohibit the existence of the pathological sets just mentioned, but guarantee that every set is measurable? In this talk we will explore this possibility, and in this process we will explain the connection between infinite-length games, sets of real numbers and infinite trees. This talk is mostly self contained. Only some basic knowledge of Real Analysis will be assumed.

Friday, April 12, 2013 at 2:30 pm in VN 116

Speaker: Ryan Lowenstein, Chapman University

Title: TuringPoint LearningJoint: A Technology Info Session

Abstract: Teaching undergraduates can often be a challenging process, especially if the course is not found to be very interesting by many students (as may be the case with some introductory mathematics courses). Hence, many of us would like to add something to the classroom that could help us improve the engagement of our students (and make math fun again). TurningPoint, a form of clicker technology, does exactly that. This presentation focuses on its effectiveness and will also show you how to get started on your new TurningPoint classroom improvement project.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 2:30 pm in VN 116

Speaker: Mustafa Said, University of California, Irvine

Title: Almost Commuting Matrices

Abstract: We investigate a variant of an old problem in linear algebra and operator theory that was popularized by Paul Halmos: Must almost commuting matrices be nearly commuting? To be more precise, we say that a pair of n-by-n complex valued matrices (A, B) are “almost commuting” if AB − BA is small in some sense. In the same manner, we say that a pair of n-by-n complex valued matrices (X, Y) are “nearly commuting” if X − A and Y − B are small in some sense and AB = BA. Although we will be exploring deep ideas in operator theory, only a basic understanding of undergraduate linear algebra and real analysis will be assumed. We will briefly discuss history of the problem, discuss the progress on the problem, and sketch the proof of a quantitative result which establishes that “almost commuting” matrices are “nearly commuting” for different types of matrices.

Wednesday, January 16 -- Wednesday, January 23 2013

5th Annual CECAT Workshop in Pointfree Mathematics

Hosted by the Center of Excellence in Computation, Algebra and Topology (CECAT)

Held at Chapman University, Von Neumann Hall (545 W. Palm Ave, Orange, CA 92866)


Wednesday 16th

noon-2pm: Open session

Thursday 17th

12.30pm-2pm: Bernhard Banaschewski

Title: "Regular rings and the PIT"

Friday 18th

noon-1.30pm: Bernhard Banaschewski

Title: "On the minimal spectrum of a compact normal frame"

Monday 21st

noon-1.30pm: Bernhard Banaschewski

Title: "An example of a pointless countably compact completely regular frame

2pm-3.30pm: Peter Jipsen

Title: "Implementing decision procedures for (generalized) Basic Logic"

Tuesday 22nd

11am-12.30pm: Ales Pultr

Title: "Techniques on taking quotients in frames, lattices, quantales etc "

1pm-2pm Joanne Walters-Wayland

Title: "Some comments on Coz and quotients"

Wednesday 23rd

noon-1.30pm: Ales Pultr

Title: "Techniques on taking quotients in frames, lattices, quantales etc "

Thursday 24th

11am-12.30pm: Bernhard Banaschewski

Title: "Aspects of Strong 0-dimensionality"

1pm-2.30pm: Drew Moshier

Title: "An overview of Co-algebras on Compact Regular Spaces"

Friday 25th

noon-1.30pm: Bernhard Banaschewski

Title: "Aspects of Strong 0-dimensionality"

Saturday 26th

7pm: Cello Concert in Von Neumann Hall

PDF file of the program

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 4:30 pm in VN

Speaker: Dr. Scott Linfoot of the IEEE and De Montfort University

Title: Metadata: Making Molehills out of Mountains

Abstract: This presentation will examine the two prominent media sectors, professional and consumer, and show that in the near future, the amount of content created from the consumer space will exceed that created in the professional space. As a result, there is a vast amount of uncollated and disorganized media moving around the internet unchecked.

There is a huge drive at the moment to try to establish some order to what appears to be a chaotic system. The problem is that using current methods, this is an extremely time consuming and expensive process. As a result, automatic metadata generation methods are needed to improve the process while providing a business case for exploitation.

This presentation will explore the metadata problem, looking from the consumer and professional vantage points, and try to open discussion on how this escalating problem might be averted.
