Table of Contents

Residuated partially ordered monoids

Abbreviation: RpoMon


A \emph{residuated partially ordered monoid} (or \emph{rpo-monoid}) is a structure $\mathbf{A}=\langle A,\le,\cdot,1,\backslash,/\rangle$ such that

$\langle A,\le\rangle$ is a partially ordered set,

$\langle A,\cdot,1\rangle$ is a monoid and

$\backslash$ is the left residual of $\cdot$: $x\cdot y\le z\iff y\le x\backslash z$

$/$ is the right residual of $\cdot$: $x\cdot y\le z\iff x\le z/y$.


Let $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathbf{B}$ be residuated po-monoids. A morphism from $\mathbf{A}$ to $\mathbf{B}$ is a function $h:A\rightarrow B$ that is an order-preserving homomorphism: $x\le y\implies h(x)\le h(y)$, $h(x \cdot y)=h(x) \cdot h(y)$, $h(x \backslash y)=h(x) \backslash h(y)$, $h(x / y)=h(x) / h(y)$.


Basic results


Feel free to add or delete properties from this list. The list below may contain properties that are not relevant to the class that is being described.

Finite members


f(1)= &1\\
f(2)= &\\
f(3)= &\\
f(4)= &\\
f(5)= &\\

\end{array}$ $\begin{array}{lr}

f(6)= &\\
f(7)= &\\
f(8)= &\\
f(9)= &\\
f(10)= &\\



Commutative residuated partially ordered monoids

Involutive residuated partially ordered monoids

Residuated lattices


Partially ordered monoids

Residuated partially ordered semigroups
