14th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2014)
Marienstatt im Westerwald, Germany
28 April - 1 May 2014

Welcome       CFP ⊕ Submission       Dates       Invited Speakers       Venue ⊕ Travel       Accommodation       Registration       Programme       Committees       History

Conference Registration

Extended Registration Deadline
March 31st, 2014

Full Conference Registration

Registration fees:

Full conferenceapprox. 250.00 EUR Exact amount depends on individual travel reimbursements.
Fee to be paid cash on site.
Please apply for Grants/Discount/Reimbursements on the registration form.

Conference Session Registration

Registration fees:

You can also register for single sessions. Each day consists of four sessions with presentations or invited talks. For a detailed list of presentations see the programme. Admissions are granted on a first-come first-served policy; note that full registrations are given priority. The amount of available session reservations is limited!
Session registration15.00 EUROne session admission only, limited availability.
Fee to be paid cash on site.
Note: The fee does not include coffee breaks (6 EUR) or lunch (to be paid individually).

Registration Procedure

Room booking

please understand that the abbey's employees are not all firm in English, so the form is to make it easier for the abbey to process your requests.

  1. Download the booking form here.
  2. Fill in/Complete to your needs.
  3. Submit as ASCII email with Subject "Buchungsanfrage RAMiCS April 2014" to: Mrs. Steppan

Accommodation - Registration - Travel
