=====Principal Ideal Domain===== Abbreviation: **PIDom** ====Definition==== A \emph{principal ideal domain} is an [[integral domains]] $\mathbf{R}=\langle R,+,-,0,\cdot,1\rangle$ in which every ideal is principal: $\forall I \in Idl(R)\ \exists a \in R\ (I=aR)$ Ideals are defined for [[commutative rings]] ==Morphisms== ====Examples==== Example 1: ${a+b\theta | a,b\in Z, \theta=\langle 1+ \langle-19\rangle^{1/2}\rangle/2}$ is a Principal Ideal Domain that is not an [[Euclidean domains]] See Oscar Campoli's "A Principal Ideal Domain That Is Not a Euclidean Domain" in The American Mathematical Monthly 95 (1988): 868-871 ====Basic results==== ====Properties==== ^[[Classtype]] |Second-order | ^[[Equational theory]] | | ^[[Quasiequational theory]] | | ^[[First-order theory]] | | ^[[Locally finite]] | | ^[[Residual size]] | | ^[[Congruence distributive]] | | ^[[Congruence modular]] | | ^[[Congruence n-permutable]] | | ^[[Congruence regular]] | | ^[[Congruence uniform]] | | ^[[Congruence extension property]] | | ^[[Definable principal congruences]] | | ^[[Equationally def. pr. cong.]] | | ^[[Amalgamation property]] | | ^[[Strong amalgamation property]] | | ^[[Epimorphisms are surjective]] | | ====Finite members==== $\begin{array}{lr} f(1)= &1\\ f(2)= &1\\ f(3)= &1\\ f(4)= &1\\ f(5)= &1\\ f(6)= &0\\ \end{array}$ ====Subclasses==== [[Euclidean domains]] ====Superclasses==== [[Unique factorization domains]] ====References==== [(Ln19xx> )]