=====Logics===== This page is intended to contain an alphabetical list of propositional and predicate logics that have been investigated in the published literature. This list is still **very much under construction**, so feel free to add further logics, and to add information about individual entries. Many of the propositional logics on this page have algebraic semantics given by a class of structures on the [[http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/structures/doku.php/|main page]]. Algebraic logic is the area that investigates the connections between logics and their algebraic counterparts. -[[Arrow logic]] -[[Basic logic]] -[[BCI logic]] -[[BCK logic]] -[[Classical full Lambek calculus]] -[[Classical propositional logic]] -[[Classical predicate logic]] -[[Classical predicate logic|First order logic]] -[[Full Lambek calculus]] -[[Full Lambek calculus with contraction]] -[[Full Lambek calculus with exchange]] -[[Full Lambek calculus with weakening]] -[[Goedel logic]] -[[Intuitionistic logic]] -[[Intuitionistic multiplicative additive linear logic]] -[[Linear logic]] -[[Lukasiewicz logic]] -[[Modal logic K]] -[[Modal logic T]] -[[Modal logic S4]] -[[Modal logic S5]] -[[Multiplicative additive linear logic]] -[[Lukasiewicz logic|Multivalued logic]] -[[Orthologic]] -[[Quantum computational logic]] -[[Quantum logic]] -[[Positive modal logic]] -[[Product logic]] -[[Relevance logic]] -[[Substructural logic]] -[[Temporal logic]] -[[Tense logic]]