=====Binars===== Abbreviation: **Bin** ====Definition==== A \emph{binar} is a structure $\mathbf{A}=\langle A,\cdot\rangle$ where $\cdot$ is any binary operation on $A$. Remark: In Universal Algebra binars are also called \emph{groupoids}. However the more common usage of this term now refers to a category in which each morphism is an isomorphism. ==Morphisms== Let $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathbf{B}$ be binars. A morphism from $\mathbf{A}$ to $\mathbf{B}$ is a function $h:A\rightarrow B$ that is a homomorphism: $h(x\cdot y)=h(x)\cdot h(y)$ ====Examples==== Example 1: $\langle\mathbb N,{}^\wedge\rangle$ is the exponentiation binar of the natural numbers, where $0{}^\wedge0=1$. It is not associative nor commutative, and does not have a (two-sided) identity. ====Basic results==== ====Properties==== ^[[Classtype]] | variety | ^[[Equational theory]] | decidable | ^[[Quasiequational theory]] | | ^[[First-order theory]] | undecidable | ^[[Locally finite]] | no | ^[[Residual size]] | unbounded | ^[[Congruence distributive]] | no | ^[[Congruence modular]] | no | ^[[Congruence n-permutable]] | no | ^[[Congruence regular]] | no | ^[[Congruence uniform]] | no | ^[[Congruence extension property]] | no | ^[[Definable principal congruences]] | no | ^[[Equationally def. pr. cong.]] | no | ^[[Amalgamation property]] | yes | ^[[Strong amalgamation property]] | yes | ^[[Epimorphisms are surjective]] | yes | ====Finite members==== ^n ^ # of algebras^ |1 | 1| |2 | 10| |3 | 3330| |4 | 178981952| |5 | 2483527537094825| |6 | 14325590003318891522275680| |7 | 50976900301814584087291487087214170039| |8 | 155682086691137947272042502251643461917498835481022016| Michael A. Harrison, \emph{The number of isomorphism types of finite algebras}, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., \textbf{17} 1966, 731--737 [[http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=34 :118|MRreview]] ====Subclasses==== [[Commutative groupoids]] [[Idempotent groupoids]] [[Semigroups]] [[Left-distributive groupoids]] ====Superclasses==== ====References==== [(Ln19xx> )]