=====2-element Boolean algebra===== Name: $\mathbb B_2=\langle\{0,1\},\vee,0,\wedge,1,'\rangle$ Elements: 0,1 ===Constant operations=== 0=0 1=1 ===Unary operations=== Complement = negation = $1-x$ = ^$x$ |0|1| ^$x'$|1|0| Alternative notation: $-x=\overline x=x^-=\neg x$ ===Binary operations=== Join = or = truncated addition = $\min\{x+y,1\}$ = ^$\vee$^0^1| ^0|0|1| ^1|1|1| Meet = and = multiplication = ^$\wedge$^0^1| ^0|0|0| ^1|0|1| ===Derived operations=== Symmetric difference: $x\oplus y=(x\vee y)\wedge(x\wedge y)'$ = $(x\wedge y')\vee(y\wedge x')$ ^$\oplus$^0^1| ^0|0|1| ^1|1|0| Implication: $x\to y=x'\vee y$ ^$\to$^0^1| ^0|1|1| ^1|0|1| Bi-implication: $x\leftrightarrow y=(x\to y)\wedge(y\to x)$ ^$\leftrightarrow$^0^1| ^0|1|0| ^1|0|1| Nand: $x|y=(x\wedge y)'$ ^$|$^0^1| ^0|1|1| ^1|1|0| Nor: $x\downarrow y=(x\vee y)'$ ^$\downarrow$^0^1| ^0|1|0| ^1|0|0| ===Properties=== ^Simple |Yes | ^Subdirectly irreducible |Yes | ===Basic results=== This algebra generates the variety of all [[Boolean algebras]]. Every Boolean algebra is a subdirect product of $\mathbb B_2$. ===Maximal subalgebras=== none ===Minimal superalgebras=== [[4-element Boolean algebra]] $\mathbb B_2^2$ ===Maximal homomorphic images=== [[1-element Boolean algebra]] $\mathbb B_1$ ===Minimal homomorphic preimages=== [[4-element Boolean algebra]] $\mathbb B_2^2$ ===Maximal subvarieties=== [[One-element algebras]] ===Minimal supervarieties=== ???